*/--- Clarion 11.1.13744 June 4, 2021 ----- Fixes/Changes/Features--/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Re-compilation of all program components is required FEATURE: New public IRpt interface for callbacks invoked by the RTL during report generation FEATURE: Improved lower level RTL support for AnyScreen FEATURE: Added option in Tools-Options-Text Editor - "Max Search History" to set the number of enries saved in the search history. When the maximum is reached the IDE will remove the oldest item in the list. FEATURE: Port the event handling implementation from C12 to avoid inter-thread SendMessage on execution of POST and NOTIFY CHANGE: Support Ctrl-V to paste into ENTRY fields that have the PASSWORD attribute CHANGE: IMDD template: fix typo/misspell in global prompt CHANGE: Numbers for some PROPLIST:* properties changed because of clash with font properties CHANGE: Extend the list of system colors available in the Color dialog CHANGE: adjusted template text for Transaction Manager extension to make better use of the available window dimensions CHANGE: New option in Tools-Options-IDE-Projects And Solutions "Omit Warnings for Read Only Access Denied Errors" CHANGE: Make code to set/get RTF controls' properties more efficient CHANGE: Renumber some properties to eliminate clashing ** IMPORTANT: All binaries must be re-compiled CHANGE: Compiler: Update symbols for conditional compilation; _C111 FIX: EVENT:CloseDown could be internally posted in incorrect thread FIX: If a control is CREATEd in the active MDI child window's toolbar, its view in the Frame might not be refreshed FIX: Improve InMemoryCachedTable template to better work with MSSQL and for using Dictionary defined Memory Tables FIX: Importing a whole module from TXA would duplicate the Module in the target app if the module already existed, instead of using the existing module. FIX: Importing a procedure from another app that contains the same Global Extension that populates a Procedure Extension but the Global Extension are in different Order was creating Duplicate Procedure Extensions that could not be deleted. FIX: Compiler: incorrect code could be generated for a BIND statement FIX: Libraries were not correctly linked into a project if you were linking a lib in lib mode and you referenced the project for the lib rather than adding the lib as a library to a project FIX: Opening a dct with fields derived from other fields would loose any changes made in the derived field FIX: Possible GPF or deadly lock on execute of DESTROY FIX: SELECT for tree Listboxes could work incorrectly FIX: Compiler: Searching a CLASS's method by its identifier could give incorrect results if the method is declared in a parent CLASS FIX: Setting of the PROP:FalseValue property to a check control was being handled incorrectly FIX: The size of a field was not set correctly if a field was changed to be derived from a field which did have a size and the field originally did not have a size. For example, changing from a LONG to being derived from a STRING(30) FIX: The list of system colors labels was incorrect FIX: The LOSEFOCUS event was not generated on switching to another application if the only window open was MDI frame FIX: The template text for Transaction Manager extension incorrectly said to use ThisTransaction.Start(), whereas the correct method to call is ThisTransaction.Run(). FIX: The IDE could lock up when importing old apps FIX: Values returned from calls to FIRSTFIELD and LASTFIELD could become wrong after DESTROY FIX: Warning "Calling function as procedure" cancelled the call being made PTSS 43130 FIX: Browse using local data declared inside a group with a prefix did not generate the correct code PTSS 43138: FIX: If PROP:SQL is the first command used on a file that has a server side autoincrementing field, and the PROP:SQL did not retrieve that field, then ADD would not correctly exclude that field from the generated INSERT statement